What is cloud computing ?

Cloud computing is a model for empowering omnipresent, handy, on-demand community access into a shared pool of configurable computing ressources ( ex: servers, networks, storage, software and solutions ) that may be quickly provisioned and released using minimal direction attempt or service supplier discussion.
This cloud model is composed of five essential caracteristics, three services models, and four-deployment model.

Cloud computing services

There are three types of cloud services :
  • IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) : The operating system and applications are installed by customers on servers, so they connect to work as if they were a traditional computer.
  • PaaS (Platform as a Service) : In this mode, it is the cloud service provider that administers the operating system and its tools. The customer can install his own applications if necessary.
  • SaaS (Software as a Service) : Applications are provided as turnkey services to which users connect via dedicated software or an Internet browser.

The Key Benefits of Cloud Computing


Cloud computing eliminates the need to invest in hardware and software, and to configure and manage on-site data centers: server racks, permanent power supply for supply and cooling, IT experts for infrastructure management. The bill is quickly high.
Most cloud computing services are provided on a self-service and on-demand basis. Huge computing resources can therefore be implemented in a few minutes and a few clicks, offering companies a high level of flexibility and relieving them of the pressure of capacity planning.

Many cloud computing providers offer a diversity of policies, technologies and controls that globally enforce your security situation and help you protect your company’s data, applications and infrastructure from potential threats
Cloud computing simplifies data backup, disaster recovery and business continuity. It makes these activities less costly because data can be mirrored across multiple redundant sites within the supplier’s network.


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